green light go: insanity and hilarity are cheap, but true friends cost money
these are a few of my favorite web comics,
and other miscellanious sites,
in no particular order.
check them out, and enjoy!
Ctrl+Alt+Del--probably the funniest gamer comic I've ever read. A lot of their humor has to do with computer and console games, but even if you don't know the games, it's still a funny funny strip.
Sluggy Freelance--There's nothing i could say to augment that list. Sluggy is the epitome of web comics, my absolute favorite.
Mory's Education--an odd but humorous strip, the artist no longer updates, but if you enjoy anime/manga style comics, and computer related humor, check her out!
Red Vs. Blue--While not a web comic per say, Red Vs Blue is an amazing series of videos, done by a group of designers using the halo game engine as their starting point. The movies are absolutely hilarious, and while they contain some strong language, the jokes will keep you laughing all the way through.
Stickman Limited--an artist after my own heart, who needs talent to be humorous?! I love these strips.
College Roomies From Hell--Sci-fi mixed with college angst, general insanity, and other random deformities.
Penny Arcade--yet another hilarious gamer comic, but with less games, and more various aspects of life. Gabe is definately a man after my own heart
Little Gamers--Another gamer comic, but one that is very very easy to understand for non-gamers. their pint-sized humor and antics cracks me up...or maybe it's because their swedish...probably the swedish thing
A Modest Destiny--an 8-bit fantasy/rpg like adventure strip, it follows a character named Maxim on his attempts to get into the theif guild, the warriors guild, and all the excitement which goes along the way...
Daze in a Haze--Another humorous gaming/anime style strip, the main characters go to college and have run-ins with ddr machines, ninjas and other assorted oddities.
Van Von Hunter--a gothy pun riddled strip which will keep you laughing for hours
Schlock Mercenary--Sci-fi meets...something completely screwed up
Order of the Stick--a hilarious roleplaying comic, anyone who's ever gamed will love the antics of the adventuring party of stick people.
Apple Geeks--while i am a firm anti-mac gamer, this strip is still priceless. the art is phenomenal, and the binary joke cracks me up
Green Light Go is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
All characters and art of "Green Light Go" are © A. Muhlenkort
2004-2009. Unauthorized use of Green Light Go materials, characters, images, sounds, odors, severed limbs, ramen, oxygen, terrible jokes, lame color schemes, and random microchips are strictly forbidden. If I find you violating, or molesting my property in any way, I will employ a pair of burly ex-convicts to find you, kidnap you, and perform god-awful sexual experiments on you until you lose the ability to sound out vowels. I don't know why you are still reading this, but obviously you have way too much time on your hands, and would be better off bothering other people, cooking me a meal, or writing out a check to 'cash' which you will then discreetly lose in a place near to or underneath my front door. Thank you.

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