green light go: insanity and hilarity are cheap, but true friends cost money
((all characters based loosely off of actual people, always in teh artist's interpretation of teh truth...if you feel you have been mis-represented by the artist-i.e. me- suck it!))
based loosely on teh creator/artist of the comic ((and by using teh term 'artist', in no way am i implicating that what you see on teh site is actually art)), amy is insane in teh nicest sense of teh know, in the way that makes you laugh but then take a step in teh opposite direction.
-Featured Strips:
MMM! #1
Missing: One Nose #24
teh 1337 one, she lives in constant fear of others discovering her fear of which i mean she is hideously paranoid, with a slight bit of insanity bottled up inside...and by 'slight' i think you already know what i mean.
-Featured strips:
The saga begins #19
Missing: Belief #22
joe is a boy's boy...he plays video games, watches sports, hits on hot girls (although sometimes in bad taste), and takes everything in life as a game, which leaves his life very enjoyable...however there are a few things you need to realize about joe:
1. he thinks he is a pimp
2. he thinks it is cool to call amy a ho
4. he is sadly mistaken on both accounts, often with violent results.
-Featured Strips:
Enter Joe #3
Dream a little Dream:4 #13
lucas is also a boy's boy...he plays video games, watches sports, and checks out hot women...lucas, however, accomplishes all of this while maintaining an extreme bitterness towards life, which he lets out in random streams of explicatives throughout teh day...
-Featured Strips:
Enter Lucas #7
Dragon Warrior: There can be only one #35
Will, a leet minion, spends his time watching anime, enjoying fantasy worlds, and playing video games. he is teh ultimate sock master, but still trains in the way of teh sock for his future competition to become ultimate sock master of teh world. his relationship as amy's 'girl' is under constant scrutiny by the media
-Featured Strips:
Interview Process #38
First Impression #40
pierre is ze cute. he is also bitter, cynical, and unhappy with his place in life as a cute talking animal. whether the other characters actual understand what he says is beyond me.
-Featured Strips:
Filler Grunty #43
Pierre the wonder minion #45
teh sword is is also is also 8-bit, which is perhaps it's best quality....teh sword also likes to stab things, which perhaps is one of it's lesser qualities [this, however, is completely dependant upon who or what teh sword is stabbing at teh moment]....teh sword is often said to be teh best character in teh strip, on account of it's not-talking and lack of horrible stupid jokes....and teh fact that it stabs fact, i'm pretty sure it's just teh stabbing that is cool...
-Featured Strips
Tip:1 #16
Dragon Warrior: Violence can be fun #34
Green Light Go is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
All characters and art of "Green Light Go" are © A. Muhlenkort
2004-2009. Unauthorized use of Green Light Go materials, characters, images, sounds, odors, severed limbs, ramen, oxygen, terrible jokes, lame color schemes, and random microchips are strictly forbidden. If I find you violating, or molesting my property in any way, I will employ a pair of burly ex-convicts to find you, kidnap you, and perform god-awful sexual experiments on you until you lose the ability to sound out vowels. I don't know why you are still reading this, but obviously you have way too much time on your hands, and would be better off bothering other people, cooking me a meal, or writing out a check to 'cash' which you will then discreetly lose in a place near to or underneath my front door. Thank you.

[you cen trust us, i swear]